The Podcast Journal is a gorgeous, faux-leather, soft cover Journal that will guide you from idea to launch in 50 days.
With specific exercises, workbook spaces, and resources to help you every step of the way to launching your own podcast, The Podcast Journal won’t let you fail!
Below you’ll find email copy, social media copy, images and more to assist in spreading The Podcast Journal love. Thank you so much for your support!
The Podcast Journal
Idea to Launch in 50 Days!
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Email copy
The purpose of this email copy is to help make it easy for you to share The Podcast Journal with your email subscribers. Feel free to edit in order to make it your own, and have fun with it!
Subject: From Podcast Idea to Launch in 50 Days
Hey <name>!
I’m sure by now you’ve heard plenty about the medium of podcasting, and how it can help you:
- Gain credibility and authority in your industry,
- Increase your reach to a worldwide audience, and
- Establish an intimate relationship and know/like/trust with your listeners.
Podcasting is also an incredibly powerful marketing tool for your already-existing business, because once you’ve grown your audience and have a connection with them from providing free, valuable and consistent content via your podcast, it’s a perfect way to promote your own products and services to them.
But how do you even know what to podcast about, or how to setup a podcasting studio that will allow you to do everything mentioned above?
Podcasting isn’t easy, and I’ve never experienced a greater learning curve than when I launched my own podcast.
feel free to insert any specific struggles or roadblocks you faced when first launching your podcast.
However, I’ve also never experienced the type of fulfillment I do when I publish an episode and receive an email from a listener like this one:
include any social media or email mentions you’ve received from listeners who have been deeply impacted by your podcast.
And that’s why I’m sending this email to you: I know you have a message to share with the world, and perhaps you’re already sharing that message via a blog or videos. But I’ve learned over the past couple of years that there’s no stronger medium to share your message with a worldwide audience than podcasting.
This is in large part because you don’t need to say ‘no’ to what you’re doing right now in order to listen to a podcast, so the barrier is incredibly low for the listener.
Whether they’re running errands, driving in their car, or doing house work, popping in earbuds and pressing play on a podcast is just a button away.
But back to “where on earth do I even start?”
My good friend John Lee Dumas, host of the award-winning podcast Entrepreneurs On Fire, just launched a Journal called The Podcast Journal: Idea to launch in 50 days.
This Journal is one of the most detailed, step-by-step guides I’ve ever seen when it comes to breaking down exactly how to launch your podcast.
The best part is, it’s literally a workbook, with exercises laid out for you each day so you know what your next step is – and have a place to document everything.
The Podcast Journal is a unique in that it gives you every step and resource you need to launch your podcast in just 50 days – all from someone who has built a 7-figure business around his own podcast.
And yes, The Podcast Journal is beautiful!
<insert images of your choice>
So if you’re ready to share your message with the world via a podcast, then I urge you to snag The Podcast Journal today. Idea to launch is just 50 days away!
Social Media Sharing
Click to Tweet: Ready to launch your own #podcast but not sure where to start? The Podcast Journal is your guide from idea to launch in 50 days!
Click to Tweet: Been thinking about starting your podcast, but keep putting it off because ‘the tech is too hard’, or you ‘don’t know which mic to use’? Cut the excuses & grab your own Podcast Journal: it’ll take you step-by-step through exactly what to do!
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Ready to start your own podcast, but not sure how? It can be overwhelming – what should you do first? With a step-by-step guide like The Podcast Journal you’ll be able to cut through the confusion and just start taking action. The Podcast Journal will take you from Idea to Launch in 50 days! Learn more at
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