Today I’m rockin’ the mic with 3 other entrepreneurs: Kate Erickson (my other half), plus Jill & Josh Stanton from Screw the Nine to Five. Join us for an absolute blast of an episode all about creative ways to sell your knowledge without creating a course!
If you’re ready to create next level success in your life by sharing your existing knowledge through in-person trainings, virtual workshops, or masterminds, then check out Knowledge Broker Blueprint by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. It’s ON FIRE!
3 Value Bombs
1) Don’t be afraid of in-person. You can help people go so much faster by taking it offline
2) Your fear and imposter syndrome: you have to stop making it about you. When you flip the script and understand the power you can have on the people in the room, it’s about them.
3) It’s really about the internal game and facing those struggles – not the strategies and tactics and outer game. The how-to will come once you have the right mindset
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Show Notes
**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.
[01:44] – John, Kate, Jill & Josh say what’s up to Fire Nation AND the Scroupies (Jill & Josh’s audience)
- Today’s topic: How to sell your knowledge without creating a course
- Identify your area of expertise
- Craft your perfect offer
[02:55] – Jill breaks down all the creative ways to sell your knowledge
- This is about online virtual workshops, in-person group trainings, in-person masterminds…
- You don’t HAVE to create a course to share your knowledge
- You just have to set an intention, identify your area of expertise, and craft your perfect offer
[03:50] – Josh shares an example of one of their students
- Shorter workshops allow you to create a bigger impact
- Magnus: he’s a mandolin player
- He offered a virtual workshop to his audience and had 11 people sign up!
- Magnus identified a skill he had, and he packaged it in a way that could impact other people
[06:04] – Jill talks about course completion rates versus workshops
- Jill shares an example about their Shift to Six virtual workshop
- The workshop latest 3 hours, they had a 90% show up rate, and people got the maximum value because it was live and they had direct access to Jill & Josh throughout with real-time interaction
[07:50] – John talks about Podcasters’ Paradise and courses
- It’s tough to successfully run more than 1 course
- It’s time to explore different ways to make an impact, like Puerto Palooza
[08:40] – Kate jumps in and talks about her perspective
- What type of business do you want to be running?
- Biggest impact in the shortest amount of time: in person workshops and masterminds
- Kate shares an example of Travis, who attended Puerto Palooza
- He launched a podcast, grew an audience, and now hosts in-person masterminds and workshops around the world. Last year he held a mastermind in Bali!
- Giving people a space to disconnect in order to reconnect is so powerful for people
- The ripple effect: sharing your knowledge with others, and you’re equipping them with the knowledge to share with others
[12:20] – Josh shares another example of professional teachers, Jessica and Caitlyn
- During summer break they started hosted workshops for other teachers, and that was the start of their now full-time online knowledge business
- Another example: the duo behind “The Grape Unknown”: they host virtual wine tasting events
[15:00] – You can get started right now – you don’t have to spend 3 months creating a course
[16:00] – In-person events: there’s something that happens when you bring people together in a room.
- They get the community and the connection
- You get their undivided attention
[17:10] – John, Kate, Jill & Josh talks about their own personal experiences attending workshops and masterminds
- Hosting workshops and masterminds is such a win/win because not only do you create a big impact for the attendees – YOU will have major ah-ha’s, too!
[18:30] – Jill talks about how they ran their most recent in-person mastermind
- It was live-time content – they didn’t prepare a presentation or an entire itinerary, they literally asked those in the room what they were currently struggling with
- There’s perfection in imperfection
- People will pay for premium – they’ll pay for access
[21:45] – John talks about the 90% show up rate they had at their recent in-person mastermind in Puerto Rico
[23:10] – John shares a story about a mastermind he attended with Kate, Jill & Josh in Puerto Vallarta
- John’s hot seat was about The Freedom Journal, which he sorted out thanks to the coming together of everyone’s feedback
- In Fiji we had access – we had access to Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi AND the 9 other entrepreneurs. That environment is top-notch
- John talks about the question he asked Tony Robbins at the mastermind
- Big takeaway: incentivize your team correctly
[28:02] – Timeout to thank our sponsors, The Marketing Secrets Show and ZipRecruiter!
[30:15] – Biggest takeaways from everyone from this episode
- Jill: Don’t be afraid of in-person. You can help people go so much faster by taking it offline
- Kate: She knows the imposter syndrome – her biggest shift around this: you have to stop making it about you. When you flip the script and understand the power you can have on the people in the room, it’s about them.
- Josh: It’s really about the internal game and facing those struggles – not the strategies and tactics and outer game. The how-to will come once you have the right mindset
- John: Masterminds, in person workshops, live virtual training – they solve real problems
[40:45] – Final Call to Action
- If you’re ready to create next level success in your life by sharing your existing knowledge through in-person trainings, virtual workshops, or masterminds, then check out Knowledge Broker Blueprint by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. It’s ON FIRE!
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!