Brad Hart is an uber nerd when it comes to Web 3, play to earn gaming, defi, crypto and NFT’s. He’s a bestselling author of multiple books, including The 8 Minute Mastermind and The 8 Minute Money Manager.
Guest Resource
NFT Crypto Community – Join Brad’s Crypto Community Facebook Group. Get access to a Private Facebook Group and learn about NFTs, Blockchain, Farming and more!
3 Value Bombs
1) Things don’t come by if you don’t have a plan. You’ve got to be there for all the hits.
2) Gaming for crypto is the best and most defensible use case for crypto.
3) Be aware of how things are going. Tie things to a goal that’s bigger than yourself.
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Show Notes
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Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: What Web 3 Will Mean For Your Business and Portfolio.
[1:16] – Brad shares something that he believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- The thing that has made Brad successful is that he never gives up. Everyday he gets up and puts in the work. Anyone who can create that habit and keep doing it will be successful too.
[2:27] – Brad’s background and what led him to the Web3 Crypto space.
- He has been an entrepreneur for 11 years now, and he has been trading since he was 16.
- Around 2011-2012, someone came to him about creating a Bitcoin trading app
- Anytime you can increase trust and decrease friction in the ecosystem, it’s going to win.
- Web1 is where companies are making money by making content, like products or services.
- Web2 is where people make content and companies make money.
- In Web3, there’s a paradigm of ownership in the blockchain. Anybody who participates and anybody who owns the asset created, results in people making content, and people making money.
- Creating a new ecosystem that’s not based on scarcity.
[6:15] – The definition of NFTs and the core strategies around it.
- Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs: you own a specific thing that’s forever on blockchain, provided that you have the keys in the wallet that holds it. You can use that to establish ownership of anything on the blockchain.
- With NFTs, you can create communities where people get together. Brad’s strategy is to join the smartest communities and be in the right room, getting ahead of the curve and getting in as early as possible.
[10:38] – A timeout to thank our sponsors, HubSpot and VistaCreate!
[13:08] – Brad’s worst NFT story.
- He went in to buy an NFT when the prices were at the top. He ended up losing on that trade.
- When you sell something for a loss and you rebuy it within 30 days, you can restart your position.
[16:29] – Brad’s best NFT experience.
- Gaming for crypto is the best and most defensible use case for crypto so far.
- Gaming crypto is the smallest subset in all of crypto, and it has a lot of room to grow.
[24:09] – The giving back plan.
- People are driven by different things in terms of why they’re making money. For Brad, what drives him is being able to give back to others.
- Be aware of how things are going. Tie things to a goal that’s bigger than yourself. The reason why he wants to earn more money centers around what he wants to do for the world.
[27:31] – Other metaverses Brad is focusing on now.
- Brad is doing really well with Aavegotchi. They combine DeFi, farming, and a game that’s interesting to play, with its own language and communities.
- Things don’t come by if you don’t have a plan. You’ve got to be there for all the hits.
[31:26] – Where to get information about the metaverse and lands.
- NFT Crypto Community – Join Brad’s Crypto Community Facebook Group. Get access to a Private Facebook Group and learn about NFTs, Blockchain, Farming and more!
1 (3s):
Shake the room, Fire Nation. JLD here and welcome to Entrepreneurs On Fire brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network with great shows like My First Million. Today, we'll be breaking down what web three will mean for your business and portfolio to drop these value bombs. I have brought to Brad Hart into the EOFire studios. Brad is is an uber nerd when it comes to Web 3, play to earn gaming, defi, crypto and NFT's. He's a bestselling author of multiple books, including The 8 Minute Mastermind and The 8 Minute Money Manager. Today, we'll be chatting about the crypto space, the NFT’s, Brad's core strategy, his worst NFT story, his best NFT story, and so much more.
1 (44s):
When we get back from thanking our sponsors, the remarkable people podcast hosted by Guy Kawasaki and brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network helps you better understand the changing world with interviews from Thought Leaders Legends, and Iconic Class like Jenn Lim, Happiness Evangelist and author of Beyond Happiness. Listen to the remarkable people podcast, wherever you get your podcasts. Brad say what's up to Fire Nation and share something that you believe about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
0 (1m 15s):
What's up JLD Hey everybody at Fire Nation. I just want to say how grateful I am to be here. And I want to say that the thing that's made me successful is I never give up. And what I mean by that is like every day I get up now, how I feel, and I put in the damn work. And if you're willing to do that, you can be successful too. It's really not that big of a deal. If you build a habit, you can keep doing it and you can get there on your time, you know? And your, your story doesn't have to look like anybody else's story. So keep at it. That's the most important thing
1 (1m 41s):
In the reps, Fire Nation, get up every day and put in those flipping reps. And as you heard in the intro, we're talking about what web three is going to mean for your business and portfolio. So by the way, a little side note, if you think you missed the podcast train and then the Instagram train, and then the tick tock train, whatever train you think you might've missed in the past, I've always said, look to what's coming next and go all in. This is something that anybody can go all in on. This is so big. You can't even call this a niche. This is going to be everything in the future. So buckle up Fire Nation. Give us some details, Brad, about your background and then what led you into this amazing word?
1 (2m 26s):
Three crypto.
0 (2m 27s):
Yeah. So I'm really excited to be here again. I've been, this is my third podcast with you JLD and last time we talked about, if you guys haven't checked out already masterminds, so how to add a hundred K to your business in five, 10 hours a month, you can go over and check that out at that's uppercase and get up to speed on that. And we'll give you some great tips on that. But today we're here to talk about web three. So I'll kind of back in with my background and then dive right into that. So my background I've been an entrepreneur for about 10, 11 years now. I've had a business and before that, even I was trading since I was 60. And so I'm going on 37 years old. Now it's a little over 20 years and I've run hedge funds. I've worked on wall street. I've been a trader professionally for many years.
0 (3m 7s):
And about 20, 20 11, 20 12, I started getting really fascinated with a new thing called Bitcoin. And at the time I was making apps on the app store and the coder came to me with an idea. He said, I want to create this Bitcoin trading app. And I said, what the hell is Bitcoin? I looked into it. Didn't get it. Didn't understand. It said, sure, man, here you go. How much you need? And he's like five grand to make a Bitcoin trading app. I'm like, sure. So I give him the $5,000 and it went precisely nowhere because he's trying to build Coinbase on a shoestring budget. Had I taken that $5,000 and put them into like, you know, 5 cent Bitcoins or whatever it was at the time. I'd be a multi-billionaire now, but who knows? I probably lost some too. And I definitely made some mistakes along the way, but I understood that it was a new paradigm because here's the big idea, right?
0 (3m 50s):
Anytime you can increase trust and decrease friction in an ecosystem, that way of doing things is going to win. So when you think about web three, we're moving from an old world, which is web two, which is, well, let's start with web one. I guess web one would be like companies make money by making content, right? Or making products or making services. So it's all a business game, right? We're all, if we're in business, we're playing the business game. Then companies start to get smart. They realize, especially in the content world, it's important to have people contributing, but we still want to own that content. So then you saw Facebook, you saw YouTube, you saw all these different platforms come along. And web two is essentially people, may content companies make money with web three.
0 (4m 31s):
There's this new paradigm of ownership on the blockchain where anybody can participate and anybody can own the assets that are created. Therefore, people make content, people make products, people make services and people make money. And that's the most important thing. So whether it be you're an artist you want to have your royalties come to you in perpetuity, easy with blockchain and NFTs. You want to be a musician, same thing. You want to set up your contracts to do that. You want to build a new community and make it, you know, unique and more like a membership or a mastermind, which we've talked about in the past. You can certainly do that. I mean, I'll put it to you this way. Picture you had an opportunity to join Tony Robbins, platinum partnership. And we both know Tony really well and you can pay one price and you could be in it for as long as you want and get the benefits of being in it and never have to pay Tony again.
0 (5m 16s):
And on top of that, at some point in the future, you could resell your membership for whatever the market will bear at that time, potentially for a profit. That's the potential of NFTs that most people don't get. Now on top of that, what if you could actually earn money while you hold that NFT, that's also happening in these new communities. So we're creating a new ecosystem where it's not just based on scarcity and based on cults of personality, but you're bringing the smartest people in the world together. It's a great new communities that are completely tokenized, where anybody can own a piece. And that piece of ownership is trackable and also fungible a non fungible rather, and it can't be duplicated and can be sold at any time at any market rate to anybody. It's pretty incredible. Now that is incredible. And you have been
1 (5m 57s):
Very successful in the NFT space, which is non fungible tokens and Fire Nation. We've had a couple episodes. We've talked a little bit about NFTs, but Brad, can you define in your own words when an NFT is, and then break down your core strategy around the NFT space?
0 (6m 14s):
So fungible token, just to be clear is like a Bitcoin, right? There's 21 million Bitcoin, maybe 18 million that you can actually access. You know, a lot of them are lost, but any one Bitcoin is equal to any one Bitcoin. So if I trade a Bitcoin into the market, I trade back out, I can get my old Bitcoin, I just have to pay whatever the price is and I can get another Bitcoin, right? So there's that many of them. And that's, that's what a fungible token is. Same thing with Ethereum and a lot of other coins, a non fungible token means there's only one of those, right? I have number X, let's say there's 10,000 of a specific set. I have number 8, 8, 8, 5, and there'll only ever be one number eight, a day five. And whichever wallet owns it, has the rights to it and can use it and disperse it and, you know, get whatever benefits that it confers forever in perpetuity.
0 (6m 57s):
That's essentially how that works. So if you don't want to get too complex and down the rabbit hole, it's not about the art. It's not about, you know, the JPEG or the piece of music or anything that's attached to it. It's about the fact that you can prove that you own this specific thing that lives forever on a blockchain, like the Ethereum blockchain provided that you have the keys to the wallet that holds it. And that's basically what an NFC is. So you can use that to establish ownership of anything on the blockchain. Whereas it used to be a more legal process, right? You'd have to have deeds and contracts and, you know, real estate agreements and royalty agreements and all this backwards accounting that happens in that. Now it's all on a smart contract and it's really easy to see like, okay, this is what they say. It has provided. You can read some basic code. So it's a really interesting new frontier.
0 (7m 38s):
And what
1 (7m 39s):
Is your core strategy in this space?
0 (7m 41s):
Great question. So I saw early on that this is gonna all be about access, right? Just like any things that humans have done in the past, right? You want to be in the right room with the right people that are smart as possible. So like you, you and I, JLD, we were both a top affiliates for Tony, not too long ago. And Tony put on this mastermind, it was like the top 10 affiliates. So you want to be in that room, right? Cause it's like the top internet minds going out there and, you know, promoting this huge launch that a lot of people are competing in. And if you're able to win a spot in the top 10, then you're obviously pretty savvy. So doing that mastermind was a really good idea. Now with NFTs, you can certainly do the same thing. You can create communities of very smart people that come together, whether it be completely transparently or anonymously or in one area of the world or all over the world, you can do it on discord.
0 (8m 26s):
You can do it on Twitter or any number of different platforms, but everybody's past to enter this particular arena is a NFT. And my goal was to be in the smartest entity communities and by doing so, and just knowing the supply and demand factors like, Hey, there's only a thousand, there's only 5,000, there's only 10,000 of these. You've seen some insane uptick in, in both interest and also demand in the market. Cause there's only so many, right? So just to give a few real examples you had crypto, which was really early, which, you know, the average punk now is going to run you like three, $400,000 just to get in on what they call the floor, which is the lowest price that anybody's selling one for. But they've sold for, you know, seven, 8 million board apes.
0 (9m 8s):
You know, Kong's, you know, Tokyo is one that I was in very early. Thankfully that's gone just bonkers. I think I'm about a hundred thousand into it. And I'm, I'm sitting on positions worth about 450,000 right now. And it's just been seeking out the communities that people that get it, that they're ahead of the curve and getting there as early as possible. Even if it feels like I'm paying a lot, I want to be in the right rooms because I might lose on the, you know, the entry price, if I'm a little late, but I'm going to win because now I'm surrounded by smart people at see all the other opportunities coming. So that's been my strategy so far. So I want to pay to be in the right room. Maybe even overpay a little bit to make sure I see the future coming to make sure I'm on the ground floor when everybody's sharing all the new stuff that's coming out, that's going to be the next big thing.
1 (9m 49s):
Fire Nation. I mean, let's be honest. There's a reason why the play Hamilton was so big and successful is because that one song I want to be in the room where it happens, the room where it happens. And it's just like Brad mentioned, we've been able to be in a lot of rooms where has been happening, the Tony Robbins mother, amazing masterminds and events that we've been able to be at. And it's incredible what access the right access can give for you. That headstart, that edge, whatever that might be. Now, we have a lot to talk about including Brad's worst NFT story. When we get back from thanking our sponsors. Mark your calendars, Fire Nation, Inbound 2022 is happening September 3rd through 6th.
1 (10m 34s):
And there are three ways to attend to the hybrid inbound experience. Number one in-person which will be in adherence to all government and state compliant rules and regulations. There was a limited capacity for the in-person portion, featuring new stages, exceptional talent in deep dive sessions. This will take place at the Boston Convention Center and Exposition Center. In addition to surrounding locations within the facility, number two, the online immersive experience. This is a paid online experience that provides all access to breakout sessions, networking, spotlight, talents, and access to demand library, post events, and number three, the free online immersive experience. This free ticket is geared towards someone who is new to inbound. Just getting started in the marketing advertising customer success sales industries is an entrepreneur and who is less concerned about the breakout contents.
1 (11m 17s):
This ticket type provides access to all spotlight talents. Remember to mark your calendars for Inbound 2022, September 3rd through 6th. Learn more at Inbound is built by you, powered by HubSpot. Brad we're back. And you told us one of your successes, the Neo Tokyo, that was pretty exciting. You're up. It sounds like four and a half X right now, which is fantastic. What is your worst NFT story? Tell us that.
0 (11m 44s):
So, John, I actually only really got heavy and NFTs in August. So this is now we're talking in January of 2022. I've only been at this for about six months. I've been in crypto a lot longer, but only really started to get excited about this stuff in August. And I had been looking at it since about may. I had been following a guy called Alex Becker, and Alex is really on top of the stuff he's talking about. This doge pound thing, and I'm laying in bed. It was in San Diego at a hotel. I was at a mastermind and I'm trying to buy the stupid dog NFT that I couldn't figure out how to do it. So annoyed at myself. Cause I used to be so on top of this stuff, but I kind of let it lapse for a couple of years. I was focusing on building my business. So I spent the next two, three months just really going down the rabbit hole, learning as much as I could. And I was hesitant to invest because I didn't really understand how to use NFTs, how to move entities.
0 (12m 26s):
It's not very user-friendly. It can be, you know, three to 15 steps till I get into one of these projects. Sometimes it's very difficult. Sometimes there's white lists. Sometimes there's like a lot of, you know, scammers and hackers and people trying to get your money because they're, they're trying to give you something that you want, which is access is very small pool of, of, of supply, right? And the first NFT I jumped into was this one called anonymous, which I still love this community, by the way, I think it's a great community. But the mistake that I made, which I didn't realize was it was going up and I was coming in around the top and I had no way to really know that. Cause I wasn't following it. Like I normally would when I was looking at an NFC or rather another investment, like I, if it was a stock, I could go back and look at all the data.
0 (13m 6s):
I suppose I could have dug up some charts and things and kind of seen how it was trading. But in the early days
1 (13m 12s):
Running around, there's only so much data. You can really pull this
0 (13m 15s):
Data. Right. And you know, I just, I, I didn't follow my rules. Right. I knew better. I had to relearn this lesson. It had only been around for three weeks. It had gone up from zero to 12 youth. I thought I was catching the, you know, the fire to the next level. Right. I thought I was on the way up and it turned out I was buying around the top. So I ended up losing quite a bit on that. And it's not the end of the world. There's something called a wash rule in NFTs and crypto, which will be in the future. Probably not a thing, but for now it a wash rule. They used to have this in stocks too, is when you sell something for a loss and if you rebuy it within 30 days, you can restart your position. So let's say you buy something at a hundred, it goes down to 20, you sell and rebuy at 20, and then it goes back to a hundred. Well, you have a gain, but you also have a loss to write off against that gain.
0 (13m 58s):
That's called a wash sale, which is different than if you just bought it at 20 and wrote it to a hundred. So it's a very different thing that can happen in the crypto markets. Then, you know, you got to talk to your tax people and verify this then in the stock market or some other thing, it's called a wash sale rule. So I essentially wash old my mice. I still believe in the community, but I, I took the loss and wrote it off against the, my other gains for the year. And it worked out pretty. Okay. But in retrospect, I would have loved to have just not lost in the first place. And that just came from me being impatient because it was finally ready to invest. I finally understood the security and I put like 80 or a hundred thousand to work that day. And I probably could have waited a little bit when I was coming off tail into COVID.
1 (14m 35s):
You're like, I just want to be a part of a community.
0 (14m 37s):
Just give me a bag. I just want in or come on now.
1 (14m 40s):
Yeah. And that's the thing too, is we live in Puerto Rico. You really don't have the opportunity for a wash rule because you don't pay capital gains either way on your wins. You don't then have to offset your losses. So it's just straight pain. When you have a loss like that, there's really no way to make yourself even feel better. But you told your worst story. What's your best. I mean, if it's Neo Tokyo, tell us the second best.
0 (15m 4s):
Yeah. So I've had a few smaller ones, like I'm really excited about land in these metaverse games and gaming specifically. I think gaming for crypto is probably the best, most defensible use case for crypto that's ever been so far. Right? Cause you had like the whole crypto coins movement, you know, the BA Bitcoin, Ethereum, et cetera. Then people started to get excited about IKOS and like 2017. A lot of those went nowhere. I lost a lot of money on those, just messing around, you know, not a tremendous amount. Like I'd still made more than I lost thankfully, but you know, I was messing around with little stuff and just never went anywhere. And then in the last year or so you've seen NFTs is really a popular scene, defy platform, yield farming and gaming get very, very popular. And there's been games.
0 (15m 44s):
I mean, we even raised money for a crypto game called block. Brawlers that fortunately when the market dipped out, the, the investor pulled out, that was back in 2018, we would have been way early. But now there's a lot of games where there's like huge, massive ecosystems. And for example, ACCE infinity, which is essentially a crypto NFT game is the fifth largest gaming company in the world. So you're talking like blizzard and EA and all these Ubisoft type of companies, which are 20 plus years old, it's right on their heels. And it got there in about two years. So you're seeing these huge economies through gaming pick up overnight. So when you take crypto, which allows people to own the assets that who would normally not be able to own in the game and then to deal with them as they please move in the other game, sell them on any marketplace, what have you, they can earn in the game, which is, you know, token Nomics.
0 (16m 28s):
We can get into that a little bit, if you like. And then finally they can, you know, really have ownership over the, the Dow or the distributed autonomous organization that manages this, this game. Like it's not just a top-down type of leadership, but it's more of a bottom up type of leadership. So they can have some say of where this community goes and what type of features they roll out and so on and so forth. They get involved at a grassroots level and be owners. It changes the entire dynamic of how games are going to be played in the future. It's a really fascinating thing. And I think gaming crypto is actually the smallest subset of all crypto. And it has a lot of room to grow. I think it could be easily a 10 or $15 trillion thing. And just to give you context on that, the whole crypto market right now is about 2 trillion. So I think over time, we're going to see that grow massively as people play more games and they want to own more in the, in the games, you know, right now I have six people in the Philippines playing AXI for me, and they're doing that as a full-time gig.
0 (17m 19s):
They quit their other jobs to play a video game. What happens when people in the United States can afford to do that? That'd be really interesting.
1 (17m 27s):
So did you tell your best energy storage and MSN?
0 (17m 30s):
Yeah. Yeah. So the best NFE story, I think for me was just getting involved in these, these various games where I'd buy land. So like sandbox, for example, is like 166,000 pieces of land give or take a abogada is like 400,420,000. Something like that. I forgot the exact numbers, but there's only so much land in these games. And then you can use this similar to you would, you know, with real real estate, you can build on it. You can rent it out, you can lease it, you can farm it. You can mine it if, as resources, what have you. So there's been a huge uptake in land sales. We've seen some of these plots go for millions of dollars and I've been buying a ton of land and these various ones. So I've seen 5, 15, 20 X returns on some of these land pieces that I've owned early and I'm just holding them for the, for the time being, I don't really have any plans cause live games haven't even been like launched to the, to the general public yet.
0 (18m 15s):
So I'm not going to sell until the hype is really high. You know,
1 (18m 17s):
Have you heard of Victoria VR?
0 (18m 20s):
I have not. Please tell me.
1 (18m 22s):
Ah, man, that's when I just want to tell you right now, look into it, Victoria VR, you can just Google it and go to Victoria I just made a major, major land purchase in that. And I'm pretty interested and curious to see where that's going to go, but it's kind of like what you just mentioned where this is like pre game. This is like pre like right now they have the whole world, you know, created on paper on white paper, but I mean, there's still a ways to go, but this is, you know, when you get an early in, on a project like this, that does hit this one may not, but if it does hit, then forget about it. You're sitting on, you know, a pile of, of really valuable assets that can be really crazy. And you kind of actually inspired me to tell my best NFT story.
1 (19m 4s):
I never told us on this podcast, but I'm back like two and a half, three months ago off of a tip from a buddy, I was just getting into Solana NFTs. I met in my first salon project, soul checks. And when I meant it, I meant to 12 of them. And I was actually really fired up on the reveal. Cause one of mine ended up being a legendary, which is 0.1% of the 10,000 are legendaries. And then as soon as I was got over my like getting really excited and fired up thinking, I scored really big. I've found out the project didn't even sell out. So it was like 2,500 of the 10,000 sold, which is kind of a death Knoll for most projects.
1 (19m 47s):
It's like, if you don't sell out, like you're not gonna make it. And you know, the discord was a dumpster fire. People were really pissed off and they were just like this, this is the worst project ever. And honestly I just forgot about it. I wasn't going to sell it a loss because you know, it was like $90 per NFT. So I spent like, I don't know, maybe a thousand bucks total on the 12 NFTs that I had, one of them being a legendary. So I just kept him, am I a wallet? And I will say, I actually listed my legendary for like 30 Seoul at one point just being like, yeah, maybe someone will just want the legendary. And then I'm like, eh, I'm going to take it off the market. It's just too, it's just too cheaper. It's just not even worth it because if the project does come back, who knows long story short, just a few weeks ago, I'm watching a video on, on YouTube and the guy mentions, can you believe what's happening with soul checks?
1 (20m 32s):
They're just blowing up. Yada, yada come to find out. They just, they just stuck with it. Like the guys that created it, just stuck with the project slowly but surely they actually built a meaningful community. They really hit on, they had an idea with like 35 different launch pads that went off and I put my soul shaker legendary. Oh yeah, the floor price at this point again, I hadn't even been following it for months. The floor place the floor, the floor price. At that point that I saw the video was 3,500 per per check. That was for a common. So now I'm sitting on like at least $40,000 worth of checks if I sold them all the floor price. But my legendary, I put on the market for 675 soul, just like a random number, which is about $130,000.
1 (21m 15s):
And it sold in five hours. Wow. Incredible. And I guess what, I didn't have anything to go off of. I could have put it for eight 50 or for two 50. I mean, it was just no, because there's no legendaries
0 (21m 28s):
For sale 3 million bucks
1 (21m 30s):
Danza. I remember that. I heard him talk about that on the podcast. That was cool. And what's even cool though, is that because I owned over 10 soul checks of the original first 2,500 wave, like they're really supporting and like giving extra benefits to like, you know, the first wave of us that actually bought back on mint day, I got to invest $20,000 in their IDO. So right now their coined is tradable like on gate IO on Mexi and some other exchanges. And you know, it's like at a five X right now of what my ideal price was. So now I have another a hundred thousand dollars essentially gain off of the coin. If I sold, you know, it could go down for sure, but I'm going to hang on to this one because I'm just like, if they actually can make this, this plate earn game, which is what they're trying to do, work.
1 (22m 17s):
This could go to the moon and this all came from a thousand dollar investment. So it's absurd, obviously Fire Nation, like I have a ton of stories I can tell you of other projects I minted that still are at zero and will probably say zero or very close to zero. But every now and then you might get lucky if you do put in the work like Brad's doing and something that you're doing, that's pretty cool is you actually have a giving back plan. Tell us more
0 (22m 46s):
With the giving back. I think this is an important piece, right? For anybody it's like, why do you make more money? Like why do you do what you do? And people are driven by different things. For me, I always found it was challenging for me to like want to make more money than my needs unless I had a reason. And my reason had to be to give back to others. So this was all started actually, when we were together in Florida, hanging out with Tony JLD, we went to this studio that he built and he casually mentioned during his, you know, telling his stories. You know, we were there for five, six hours just talking to Tony, which is excellent. He mentioned that he gives away a million dollars a month kind of, you know, as part of a story, he was telling me, he's like, you know, if I drop my income to this point or whatever, you know, that's not even what I get away and charity every month I'm like, holy crap, a million dollars a month.
0 (23m 28s):
And I started to do the whole comparison thing, right. That's quite a bit of money. And then I caught myself. I'm like, well, he's 61 years old or whatever his age is, right. I'm 35, right? So let's say 25 years difference just to use round math. And I made it a challenge to myself on the way home. I was in my notebook playing around with numbers and trying to figure out like, okay, well, let's say I can afford to give away a thousand dollars a month right now. And that's easy for me and consistent. And I can do that. How much would I need to increase that accounting for inflation every single year until 25 years goes by and I'm Tony's age. And I figured out the math. So at a 4% inflation rate, you're looking at about 2.6 million a month, which would be when I'm 60.
0 (24m 9s):
And if I increase my giving by 37% a year, it doesn't feel like a lot. Right? And this year it's 1370 next year it'd be 1600 something year after that, it'll be 2000 it's doable. But by that time, I'll be giving away the same amount Tony is. So that was the challenge I set forth for myself. And I'm about two years into that challenge. So in 25 years, we'll see where we land, but I might actually exceed that goal is because I started it and I used the power of compounding and math. And I just want to go back and say like, this whole podcast should have been prejudice. Predecessor proceeded by, this is not financial advice for advisors. You know, we're, we're playing around really is what we're doing. Right. And we're playing around with money that were totally okay. Lighting on fire. And yeah, we happen to have a few that worked out really well. And I've got a litany of just like John does a litany of ones that didn't work out.
0 (24m 52s):
So we're not saying, Hey, go out and invest in a ton of STS, but be aware of how this is going and tie it to a goal, right? Tie it to a goal that's bigger than yourself. The reason I want to earn more money has nothing to do with my needs. My needs are well taken care of it's about what I want to be able to do for the world. So every month I get to go on Facebook and talk about the giving. I did that month and stay accountable to that because the most exciting part of my month is giving the money away to charities like under operation, underground railroad and feeding America, and the greatest foundation of building houses in Mexico. This is the type of impact that allows me to get up every day and get out of bed and run through brick walls to make stuff happen. So, you know, we're working on the first crypto RIA and a crypto fund and we've got $3 million committed and all this great stuff.
0 (25m 33s):
It wouldn't be happening if it was just about me, as soon as I expand my scope of what I'm doing this for and who I'm doing it for, it becomes possible. Now
1 (25m 42s):
This is exciting stuff really is the future Fire Nation. And when you can kind of combine something that you're excited about, that you're curious about that has so much potential and you really giving some philanthropy and some giving back and just, you know, some really overall charitable kind of vibe to everything you're doing. I mean, it just makes the world a better place. Now, before I go onto the next thing, I'm just curious, Brad. So besides the sandbox, what are a couple other Metro versus like land grabs that you're kind of focusing on right now?
0 (26m 13s):
Yeah, so , I did really well at that. I got 10 lands in the auction and then I got an 11th land through the raffle, which turned out to be like a district one spacious. So if you look on a map, it's like the best one you can get. And it's the biggest one you can get. And I got it for essentially the price of a raffle ticket. So just crazy gains on that stuff. And we already have people listing them for millions of dollars. I don't know if they've actually sold for millions of dollars, how to check that, but they're listing for millions of dollars. So it's like, my plot is sitting next to a plot that's like listed for three or $4 million right now. And I'm like, okay, cool. Right. We'll see if they actually sell for that. So that's one that I'm excited about. And what I love about that game is they combine defy, right? So decentralized finance, which is a whole another rabbit hole. We can go down a yield farming and also a game which is fun and actually interesting to play and kind of has its own, you know, language and its own community.
0 (27m 2s):
And it's just really well put together. So I really love that one. I'm a huge fan of defy kingdoms. Although I'm not as heavy in that as I'd like, I'm kinda interested in that there's one called big time, which is really popular, which out on the land sale I was pretty upset about. But you know, it is what it is. Sometimes you can't get in there.
1 (27m 18s):
I've got 21 large rares and five, no, sorry, 21. Yeah. Medium rares and then five small legendary.
0 (27m 29s):
It sounds like you're ordering steaks at a restaurant. I think what's, what's the price has been doing. I haven't,
1 (27m 35s):
I neither have, I I'm kind of like you where I'm like, you know what? I know that this is likely going to be a good investment. Long-term I'm not going to play this little fluctuation game. Like I'm in it for at least a couple years to like, just see how these individuals are able to progress with the business and with the, with the game. And that's where, to me, the real meaningful gains are going to be like, I'm sure I could flip those for probably two, three X right now, but it's like, I'm looking for like the two, 300 X I'd rather go to zero, but have the opportunity to go to two or 300 X on some of these opportunities,
0 (28m 7s):
Strategies kind of similar. Like I wanted to wait and see, and it takes a while to build something really beautiful and a game could take five or 10 years to really get to its full capacity and really what it could be. So my thought is, you know, why not holds at least a good portion of it, but if you're on a two or three X, if it was me, I would just take my money back out. Right. I would just sell one or two to be like, yo, I'm, I'm flat on this trade and I could put that other money to work somewhere else. So at least you don't have any risk on the table, but everybody's different. This is not financial advice. That's just how I look at it as like, Hey, now, now I can hold forever without thinking about it. Cause I don't have any money in the game. I can just basically turn my brain off at that point and be like, all right, come back in two years and see how it did.
1 (28m 41s):
I think that's really smart, especially for people that are playing with limited funds. I mean like then you can really start spreading your bets out and really hedging across all these urban areas
0 (28m 48s):
Where you do dollar cost averaging, where, Hey, I got this much income. That's disposable every month. I'm going to put it into these projects that I care about. And I'm just going to keep doing that over and over again. If it's up, I'm putting in a little less than if I'm buying a little less than if it's down, I'm putting in a little more buying a little more, not that you change the dollar amount, but you dollar cost average into the position. So overall you end up with a really strong portfolio. That's basically what I did from 2017 to 2017. When I started to crash all the way through 2020, and I was up 700% in 2020 going into 2021 with this big NFT craze. And that's the only time I ever really started to divest of Ethereum and move it into NFTs, which is now two and a half X on top of what I had. So pretty incredible stuff, but it doesn't happen by not having a plan, right.
0 (29m 29s):
You're not going to just, you gotta be there for all the hits, right. If you're just in and out, in and out, in and out or freaking out all the time, I guess the best way to sum it up is like time in the market. Beats timing the market every time
1 (29m 41s):
I love that. And that was one thing that Tony said a lot when we were there, as you know, like if you miss like the six biggest days of the year, just sex, like you'll miss like all of the gain that you would have had. And then some, I mean, so it's like, you've gotta be in the market. You're going to be in it to win it. Now, where do you go to find out more, most of your information about like metaverse and lands? Like where do you get your
0 (30m 5s):
Yes, that's a great question. So aside from the NMT communities, that I'm a part of like Neo Tokyo and some others that are just full of big brand sharing information. It's, it's literally too much like as a fire hose, I got way too many different things to look into. I'm also, like I said, starting the fund in the RIA, we built our own free community. Cause I was just tired, all the scams and shills and anonymous people. So like I built a free completely docs community that I run it's on Facebook. Anybody can join it. We just asked that nobody's shill or, or, you know, like pump any particular bag that they're holding and you can go and check that out at NFT, crypto it's Facebook group. That's an, that's an internal link, interstitial link, NFT, crypto And basically I just share everything I know. Right. And I give everybody a really basic overview of here's defy.
0 (30m 46s):
Here's yield farming. Here's the different platforms you could check out. Here's different games. You can check out here's how to understand crypto and how to secure your wallet. And I just want to be a resource for people to ask questions that they really need to ask and understands to play safely in this, in the space. Cause I think that's the first thing. That's why I was so hesitant to get an entities in the first place, because I didn't understand how to secure them. Like I really wanted to put entities on a hard wallet, but nobody was like giving me the answers I needed. And it was like tedious to go through a million YouTube videos. And you can't really ask anybody cause you don't know their, you know, their, their basic, you don't even know if they're the real person that you're talking to let alone a hacker or a spammer. There's all kinds of scams that happen all the time. So that was what I built. I couldn't find a community.
0 (31m 27s):
I loved. So I built it myself and you can check it out too. So we'd love to have you over there at
1 (31m 33s):
I mean Fire Nation, this opportunity for free to get access to Brad's brain, but not just Brad's brains, the other people in the community's brain, but it's also the brains that Brad is getting able to get eyesight into because of Neo Tokyo, because of these other communities that he's in as well. So you're really just getting this huge collective all in one place. And like one thing that I'm really fired up about is going to be starting pretty soon is I was lucky enough to snag one of Kevin Rose's proof collectives. And so yeah, I snagged it for one ether. Now the floor is like eight and a half eighth on one of the 1000 proof collectors, which gives me access for three years to his private discord slash community, which is going to be really exciting and really fun and kind of cool to see like what kind of brains are talking in that, you know, what is it going to be again right now?
1 (32m 21s):
What is it? It's like $30,000 just to get into this right now. If you were to buy a floor and Ft,
0 (32m 28s):
The great point, John, you know, at the end of the day, we can't afford it. Nobody has enough capital being everything, right. It's just impossible. So if you're in that cool on and I'm in this cool one and we start sharing information now we're cross-pollinating and then you have the whole group of, you know, dozens, if not hundreds of people that are doing that, it can be pretty impressive. The key is just keeping the signal to noise ratio at an acceptable level, right? There's so much noise out there. It's impossible to keep up with everything. So again, you know, it, you don't have to catch them all. The cool thing about the space is you can miss a hundred things and still catch an amazing line, but you gotta be in enough of them where if several of them don't work out, which is probably what's going to happen, you still are. Okay. Overall it's portfolio through.
1 (33m 3s):
Yeah. Let me take you back to anonymize at the beginning. I mean, don't chase Fire Nation because just like Brad did and I've done by the way on, on other projects as well. You don't have to chase because the next thing is always coming it's around the corner. And if you have some dry powder, if you've got some ammo in that chamber, there's going to be a great opportunity for you. So don't chase wait, be patient and then no one to pounds and pounds with conviction. Cause you're the average Fire Nation of the five people you spend the most time with. And you've been hanging out with BH and JLD today. So keep up the heat, head over to type Brad in the search bar in the show notes page will pop up of all three of our episodes plus links to everything we talked about here today, Brad, one more time.
1 (33m 48s):
What's that call to action link for your Facebook group?
0 (33m 51s):
Yeah. If you guys are into crypto NFTs, yield farming, defy gaming, all that you want to learn about it in a place that's safe docs. You can ask questions, you know, relatively secure. As far as these things go head on over to That's If you're on our Facebook group and come in and say, hi, we'd love to see you tell me that you came from Fire Nation and be happy to see you. They're really grateful. And we have about 20 videos right now of just free content that you can get up to speed. And it's the best stuff I've seen anywhere paid or free
1 (34m 20s):
You for sharing your truth, your knowledge, your value with Fire Nation today, for that we salute you and we'll catch you on the flip side.
0 (34m 27s):
Thanks everybody. Thank you. JLD I'm grateful to be here and thank you for the opportunity.
1 (34m 31s):
Hey, Fire Nation today's value bomb content was brought to you by Brad and Fire Nation. Over the last decade, I've interviewed more than 3000 of the world's most successful entrepreneurs and I've created a revolutionary 77 roadmap to your financial freedom and fulfillment. I put it all into my first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success, personally endorsed by Seth Godin and Gary Vaynerchuk. The Common Path to Uncommon Success, is the step-by-step guidance that you need to achieve the lifestyle of your dreams. Visit to order your copy and I'll catch you there, or I'll catch you on the flip side. The remarkable people podcast hosted by Guy Kawasaki and brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network helps you better understand the changing world with interviews from Thought Leaders Legends, and Iconic Class like Jenn Lim, Happiness Evangelist and author of Beyond Happiness.
1 (35m 18s):
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