Dr. Marquel Russell has helped his clients generate $500 Million+ in revenue, earned the title, King of Client Attraction, and has been called one of the greatest marketing geniuses of our time.
Guest Resource
Marquel’s Website – Sign up to grab your 7-Figure Client Business Building Bundle 100% FREE!… or Text EOF to 833-560-0283
3 Value Bombs
1) The best way to standout is to be your authentic self. Nobody can compete with that.
2) The first rule when it comes to monetization is premium pricing. Figure out what you can offer to the marketplace based on your expertise. In reality, when people pay premium prices, they want less deliverables. They want speed and results.
3) Most entrepreneurs work way too hard simply because they don’t charge enough, so they don’t really have the margin to hire other people.
Thinkific: Download your free report that reveals what the top 20% of course creators are doing right now to be so darn successful at Thinkific.com/firetrends!
HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com.
Show Notes
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Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: How to Turn Your Annual Income into Your Monthly Income While Working 50% Less with Dr. Marquel Russell
[1:26] – Dr. Marquel shares something that he believes about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
- It’s easier to make a lot of money in a little bit of time, than it is to make a little bit of money in a lot of time.
[2:39] – The SFM method.
- S is Specialized. The first thing you have to do is pick something that you specialize in.
- F means Funnelize. Funnelizing is taking complete strangers through an automated process, then turning them into a client.
- M stands for Monetize. If you do the other stuff, it becomes easy to monetize.
- Great marketing makes selling unnecessary.
- The first rule when it comes to monetization is premium pricing.
- Most entrepreneurs work way too hard simply because they don’t charge enough, so they don’t really have the margin to hire other people.
- There’s zero competitive advantage in being the cheapest person in the market, but there’s a massive competitive advantage in being the most expensive.
- Price is never an issue in the presence of value.
[10:08] – Turning knowledge and expertise into $10,000+ offers – even if nobody knows who you are.
- The best business model in the world is an expert-based business, where you use your knowledge, pack it into a valuable offer, and help people create an actual transformation.
- Inside your course, add coaching or a support component to magnify the value and help people get results.
[13:40] – A timeout to thank our sponsors!
- HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com.
- Thinkific: Download your free report that reveals what the top 20% of course creators are doing right now to be so darn successful at Thinkific.com/firetrends!
[16:05] – Three plays to multiply profit, freedom, and impact.
- Multiply your price. Don’t focus on how much stuff you’ve got to add to it. You’re not selling the time, you’re selling the transformation.
- Multiply your lead flow. Lead abundance will allow you to choose who you want to work with.
- Multiply your delivery. Know how you you’re going to serve more people.
[17:37] – The fastest path to standing out in an over competitive, busy, and saturated market
- The best way to standout is to be your authentic self. Nobody can compete with that.
[20:05] – Create an online program that helps your perfect client get results.
- Know the current reality of your client.
- Be clear on where your client wants to be.
- In between is the transformation gap between where they are and where they want to go.
[22:28] – Dr. Marquel’s key takeaway and call to action for Fire Nation!
- The power of simplicity. Simplicity is genius, so anytime complexity tries to creep in, know that fear is what is making it complex
- Marquel’s Website – Sign up to grab your 7-Figure Client Business Building Bundle 100% FREE!… or Text EOF to 833-560-0283
[26:29] – Thank you to our sponsors!
- Thinkific: Download your free report that reveals what the top 20% of course creators are doing right now to be so darn successful at Thinkific.com/firetrends!
- HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com.
0 (2s):
Who's ready to rock today, Fire Nation. JLD here and welcome to Entrepreneurs On Fire brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network with great shows like Being Boss. Today, we'll be breaking down how to turn your annual income into your monthly income while working 50% less to drop these value bombs. I brought Dr. Marquel Russell into the EOFire studios. Marquel Russell has helped his clients generate $500 million. Plus in revenue earned the title King of Client Attraction and been called one of the greatest marketing geniuses of our time. And today we'll be talking about the SFM method Fire Nation and how you can use it to attract an endless flood of your dream.
0 (45s):
Clients want to talk about the three plays that you can run right now to multiply your profit freedom and impact, and so much more. When we get back from thanking our sponsors. Still think you can create an online course the same way you did five years ago? Think again! Thinkific has looked at the top 20% of course, creators to see what they're doing now to be so darn successful. Find out for yourself at thinkific.com/firetrends. Business made simple hosted by Donald Miller, takes the mystery out of growing your business. Recent episodes, like how to attract and retain top talent and how to make more money with your current products are straight fire.
0 (1m 26s):
Listen to business made simple wherever you get your podcasts. Dr. Marquel Russell say what's up to Fire Nation and share something that you believe about becoming successful that most people disagree with.
1 (1m 41s):
What is up foreign nation? I'm super excited to be happy and looking forward to this actually. And one of the things that I believe about success, that that most people disagree with when it comes to money and making money, it's easier to make a lot of money in a little bit of time than it is to make a little bit of money. And a lot of times it's easier to make a lot of money and a little bit of time than it is to make a little bit of money. And a lot of times
0 (2m 5s):
Fire Nation, you might be saying, what the heck is he talking about? But I can vouch for the same thing. Like to me, getting to my first hundred thousand dollars in this business took so much longer and was so much harder than going from a hundred thousand to a million dollars in this business. Because the, at that point it was just, let's just leverage lushes scale. Let's just exemplify and extrapolate everything that's working in our business right now. And today we're talking about how to turn your annual income via nation into your monthly income while working 50% less. I mean, those are three things that people want to do right away. So let's start with the SFM method.
0 (2m 46s):
What is this method? How can we use it to attract an endless flood of our dream clients? Yes,
1 (2m 51s):
Absolutely. So basically, so the S let's dig into the S first, so the S is specialized. So the first thing you have to do is like, pick something that you specialize in it. And a lot of times when it comes to entrepreneurs that get really challenged when it comes to this, cause they like, Hey, I'm a Jack of all trades. I'm really good at a lot of stuff. I want to help everybody. And that kind of just Brawns you out. And it spreads you too thin, and you can't just narrow down on one specific thing. So I always tell individuals, if you specialize, you can actually impact more people. You can serve more people. And of course you can make more money and get paid premium prices for what you actually do. And I just kind of give a real life example. So if you got a general physician on average here in Georgia, they make about $120,000 a year.
1 (3m 36s):
They work a lot of hours. They see a lot of patients and they're on their feet all day, but then you got a brain surgeon they're typically at home. And I mentioned around the corner from the hospital and they make about 500,000 miles a year. And they come in and work an hour or two shake, hands, kiss babies. Everybody loves them at the hospital and they go home. What the biggest difference is not necessarily they're smarter, but because they decided to specialize. So when you specialize that actually separates you from the rest of the market and people aspire to work with you because you specialize in solving a specific problem for a specific person,
0 (4m 10s):
Specialize Fire Nation. That makes a ton of sense to me, let's get over to the F
1 (4m 16s):
The emphasis funnel lies. So funnels is basically about taking complete strangers and taking them through an automated process and then turning them into clients. So you PR, if you're on the internet, you probably heard the term funnel a lot. So it's basically an upside down triangle and a sport layers of it. So the first layer is people becoming aware of you. Some of those individuals are going to be interested. So they're going to go to that second layer. And of course, that layer is getting smarter, smaller. The third level is engaged. So some of them will go, who are interested in, they're going to engage, meaning click your link, go to your page, opt in and register for your webinar, go to your sales page or whatever. And then the bottom level is they're going to become clients.
1 (4m 56s):
The key is to automate that whole process. How do you get more people aware of you? And then take them through a process where they actually go from complete stranger to somebody who was whipping out their car to buy from you. So the magic is like automating this whole funnel realization process over and over and over again,
0 (5m 14s):
Specialize, finalize. What could the MBA,
1 (5m 18s):
The M is you probably guessed it monetized so monetize. This is where the cash register rings. And if we're typically, when I teach this at events, is I break it down as the client attraction triangle, right? So the bottom layer level, the foundation is specialized. The middle is finalized. And at the top, the smallest part is monetized. And the biggest reason that it's the smallest part is because when you do this other stuff, it actually becomes very easy to do the monetization because people are really short, ready to buy, because individuals have to understand that great marketing makes selling unnecessary. So when you take them through this process, now they come to you already. Pre-sold because your marketing has done all the work well. I'm how that, how that happens.
1 (5m 59s):
So, number one, the first rule when it comes to monetization is premium pricing. So what do I mean by that? Well, you want to figure out what can I offer to the marketplace based on my expertise where I can charge 3000 to 10,000 miles or more. And typically when I say that individuals automatically go to, well, how much time do I have to put in? What do I have to include? What in the real? And the reality is when people pay premium prices, they actually want less in terms of deliverables. They actually just want speed to actually getting the results. So what you normally would offer at a lower ticket price, some of that stuff, you can remove a lot of those videos. A lot of those downloads, all the different types of stuff. You can actually remove a lot of that and actually get people to where they want to be a whole lot faster.
1 (6m 43s):
And when you charge premium prices, you're going to attract higher quality clients. You're going to help more people get results, because they have more skin in the game. Of course you can hit your goals a whole lot faster, and you can actually scale and you can hire more people. Most entrepreneurs work way too hard simply because they don't charge enough. So they don't really have the margins to actually hire other people. So you want to charge premium prices. And for those individuals who are listening and they're having a challenge with this, here's two things that you want to write down. Number one, there's zero competent. There's zero competitive advantage being the cheapest person in the market, because somebody can always under-price you. And that's just like a, a race to the bottom when it comes to pricing, but there's massive competitive advantage.
1 (7m 25s):
Being the most expensive. Everyone aspires to work with the premium brand. Everybody aspires to get the Rolex or the auto Mar or the other paddock watch or drive a rolls Royce or the Tesla, or to get a big mess. Everybody aspires to that. So you want to be, or the Louis Vuitton or the Gucci, you want to position yourself as the one at the pinnacle, when it comes to pricing. And now you become on people's visions, vision board. Number two, price is never an issue in the presence of value. When you have the value there, and you can clearly show individuals the transformation that you provide, price is not an issue. So I'll break this down really quickly. How do you tie this all together? So marketing and sales, which is this whole SFM method is basically like golf, right?
1 (8m 10s):
So whether you play golf or no golf is the, whatever is simple. So it's basically first off, you start off with a club, a driver, and the goal is to get the ball on that team. I'm not a golf expert, but this is just the basic. So you hit the ball off of that tee and it goes to the hole. So when it comes to marketing, the driver is the, the, the marketing is the driver that the golf, the golf player is holding the ball is the prospect and the hole is the sale. So the goal is from between your marketing is to get the ball, the prospect as close to the hole as possible. So now when you get to talk to them about the transformation, you basically bringing out your putter and you just put it in because it's not about being a hard sales person. You can live, just put it in.
1 (8m 50s):
It's just by Axe, answering a few questions and then allowing them to sell you on why you should allow them to buy versus you selling them on why they should buy
0 (8m 60s):
Fire Nation. This makes so much sense. And I really want to just talk about a story that I have when I was going through around while I was listening to you, talk to Marquel. I was like, whoa. Back when I first started, I used to charge $800 a month for my coaching services. This is back in 2012, and my clients were the biggest pain in the butts. I mean, there was a pain. And then, you know, as time went on and you know, four or five, six years went by, I was charging $15,000 a month for my coaching services. And they were dream customers. They were dream clients. I mean, sometimes they would even show up for a couple of weeks at a time. And I was just like, Hey, do we want to, oh, I can't, I can't talk to you. I can't talk to them like, well, you pay me $15,000 a month. I'm like, yeah, I know. But I mean, I'm doing this, I'm doing these deals and doing that deals.
0 (9m 41s):
I mean, these were dream clients. And by the way, they, it wasn't just because they didn't show up. Is that also what I gave them advice. They took action. Like they implemented stuff and it was a dream because of that as well. So I love that. It's something else that I love that you shared was the fact about the race to the bottom. And I wrote this down, the problem, Fire Nation, with the race to the bottom, you might win. You might win that race and who wants to win a race to the bottom? I mean, of course somebody is going to hire you for one penny per month. Cause doesn't mean anything. They got nothing to lose, but you don't want to win that race. You want to win the right race. And you talk about turning our knowledge and expertise into $10,000 plus offers. Even if nobody knows who you are, what is that all about?
1 (10m 22s):
I believe that the best business model in the world is an expert based business. And an expert based business is using your knowledge, packaging it up into valuable offers and actually helping other people create an actual transformation and where the economy is going, whether that's COVID or whether that's recessions or whatever. It seems like the worst thing is get the more the expert business industry grows because that leads people online, looking for answers. So people are like, I don't want to go back to college to pay another a hundred thousand plus to get a degree. I rather come online, find a program that can actually help me. And within six weeks I can pay 10,000 or eight weeks or whatever, and actually get what I required to actually get me to the results.
1 (11m 7s):
So packing your knowledge and expertise is basically the same. Okay. What is something I'm amazing at, or what's, what is something I accomplished before, or what's something you're already charging people for and how can you take that and package it up? Because some people do like online courses, membership sites, things of that nature. And it's really given them a huge issue to actually scale it because they don't really know how to profitably grow it with that. And they don't know how to get more people to, and then some people are burnt out on courses because they're sick of just buying a log in and they get in and like, they get confused. And now they're off to the next thing, because most people who buy courses, they don't actually go through it. I mean, I'm somebody who's bought courses for a hundred bucks, 200, 300 bucks, maybe a thousand dollars and haven't even logged in yet.
1 (11m 53s):
But if pays, you pays 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, $25,000, a hundred thousand dollars or more, there are, they are incentivized has basically, they actually dive in to actually get the results. So what I, what I am, what I suggest is like, even if you have a course, like look at okay, what my course, how can I add a coaching or some kind of support component to that to actually magnify the value that actually help people get results. Right? So let's say you got a course and you said, okay, I'm just going to add a weekly group coaching call. We're going to jump on a call with them every week in a group setting and an answer the questions, not only can you charge more, but you also increase the amount of people that are actually going to go through the course.
1 (12m 35s):
We'll go through the program that actually get results. Now, if you sell a service, let's say you you're a massage therapist, or you let's say you are a realtor or whatever, whatever the thing or you build funnels or whatever the case may be like, how can you productize that? How can you take the building of the funnels and teach people that, how can you take the building up the websites and teach people that? And let's say you still want to build websites. You can actually increase the price of the doing of the website. And now what you used to charge to do a website. You can actually teach people how to do that through your hybrid online program. And of course now you can serve more people. And then the people just insist on working with you personally, you can actually charge more of a premium to actually make that happen.
1 (13m 16s):
So I believe that that's the, the direction that this expert industry is going, not just standalone courses, where you sell people log-ins, but actually full blown programs that actually assist people in actually getting the transformation they want and not just giving them more information,
0 (13m 32s):
Fire, nation value, bombs being dropped. And we're gonna talk about the three plays that you can run right now to multiply your profit freedom and impact. When we get back from thanking our sponsors, customer expectations are at an all-time high and making things easy as how you'll win. If you can accomplish easy, you'll turn one-time customers into lifetime customers. So how can you make things easy for your customers? It starts with knowledge like having a 360 degree view of how your customers have interacted with your business in the past, what their buying preferences are and how likely they are to become a repeat customer. But how do you gain these insights with a HubSpot CRM platform?
0 (14m 11s):
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0 (14m 52s):
And if you've been thinking about making an online course, part of your business, the Thinkific Trends Report is one of the most important things you'll read this year. The team at Thinkific analyzed the top 20% of creators to discover what they're doing differently to make them so darn successful in this report. You'll uncover why top creators are two times more likely to use communities three times more likely to sell courses in bundles plus learn why it's time to say goodbye to the hard sell. I can say after reading it, that this report is chock full of insights. You can immediately put into action today, because if you're still creating courses the same way you were five years ago, you might be missing out on some big opportunities to discover which trends are powering the most successful creators and 2022, what their secrets are to growing their business, how they focus their time and much more visit thinkific.com/firetrends.
0 (15m 41s):
That's T H I N K I F I C.com/firetrends. Dr. Marquel. We are back. And as I teased before the break, I want to talk about those three plays that Fire Nation can run right now to multiply profit freedom impact.
1 (15m 57s):
Absolutely. So I think the first play that they can run is number one, multiply your price, whatever you're charging right now multiply. So if you charge 300 right now for you, for your expertise, add a zero charge 3000. Don't think about how much time or how much effort, how much stuff you got to add to it. Just focus on the transformation. You're not selling your time. You're actually selling the transformation. So number one, multiply your price. Like do that right now. You don't gotta do anything. Add anything, working harder to multiply your price. Number two, you want to multiply your lead flow, multiply your lead flow. Most people don't charge what they deserve to be charging because they're in lead scarcity versus Lee abundance.
1 (16m 37s):
Right? So now, because they only have one person on their calendar speak to a two people. They're like, I gotta make a sale because I don't know when my next lead is going to come through. But if you getting 50 to a hundred leads every single day, you don't worry about leads scarcity, because you're in Lea abundance and overflow. And now you can actually choose who you want to work with. And then thirdly, you want to multiply your delivery. Like how can you service more people? Some people serve people. One-to-one like one-to-one coaching one-on-one services. They are the only person doing anything. But how can you multiply the amount of people you can serve going from one-to-one to one to many, even from a presentation standpoint, how do you multiply that? So you can actually service more people. So those are the three places you can run to multiply your profits.
1 (17m 20s):
Of course, while working a whole lot less.
0 (17m 22s):
So Dr. Marquel, it is really hard and I mean really difficult to stand out in saturated markets. So talk about the fastest path to standing out in Uber, competitive, busy, loud saturated markets.
1 (17m 37s):
I would say the best way to stand out in loud oversaturated markets is it's really the, the secret so to speak. And it's really overlooked. And basically what that is is you being your authentic self, like you literally being your authentic self, because nobody can compete with that. So I give you like a real life example. So when I got introduced to this whole world, I got introduced, be a network marketer. So, you know, they teach you how to recruit people and things of that nature. And everybody had, you had to wear suits to the presentation. That was their thing. So when I started learning skills and learning online, and I started showing up on the internet, I felt like I had to have a button down on. I felt like I had to be dressed a certain type of way.
1 (18m 17s):
And that wasn't like who I authentically was and everything that I saw as a disadvantage for me. Like, for example, when I came into this world, nobody looked like me, right? It was, it w I was like, okay, nobody looks like me. How am I going to be able to win in this space? I had tattoos on my arms, on my neck, gold teeth. I dropped out of high school in 10th grade, delicious, go on and on and on, like, how am I going to be able to succeed? And who's going to listen to me. And I saw all that as a disadvantage, but actually all of that stuff was an advantage for me because I shared it. And that made me unique. And all of that made me who I am. And when I started sharing that, that started to make me magnetic. And when I started showing up to speak at events versus having a suit on and some dress shoes, I started showing up in jeans, ripped jeans, or a hoodie, or a polo shirt, and some air force ones just showing up who I, 100% am sharing stories that are authentic to me.
1 (19m 10s):
And just being who I was that's when the business really took off, because nobody can compete with you when you're 100% who you are. Nobody can duplicate that. Two people can, three people can be all be teaching the same exact thing. But when you show up who you are authentic authentically, nobody can competent compete with that. And that helps you stand out. I'm here to show us the behind. I'm above all the quote unquote competition.
0 (19m 34s):
Yeah. I love that Fire Nation. And it's all coming down to you being authentic. And guess what, that's your superpower because nobody's, you, you're authentic. You are authentically, you be genuine, be that person and something that you mentioned earlier, Dr. Marquel is, you know, and I've done this too. Like we bought a course. We haven't even finished and we haven't even opened it. We haven't even looked at it. So how can we create online programs that actually help our perfect clients get results?
1 (20m 0s):
I have this framework where you look at, okay, your ideal client, where what's their current reality, like where are they right now in the, in real deep, deep detail. And you typically want to ask yourself, what are the top 10 dreams and aspirations? What are the top 10 frustrations? Right? So the top 10 challenges and frustrations and a top 10 dreams and aspirations. So on the current, that's where they are currently. And then on the preferred reality, this is where they want to be. And they can wave a magic wand. This is where they want to be. So you want to be clear on what that is. And then in between that, it's the transformation gap. So that's the thing that's standing between where they are and where they want to go. So then you want to ask yourself, okay, what's those six steps or eight steps, right?
1 (20m 44s):
That you will walk them through step by step, by, by step to get them to the transmit. So I, so if I was to I'm a visual person. So I look at this as if you ever was going through like a hike or you were planning the woods growing up or something. You come to this lake part of the, of the, of the, of the woods. And then you have to get over to the other side without getting wet. So typically it's like three or four or five or six rocks. And if you jump on those that it gives you to the other side without getting wet. So it's kind of that same mentality, you know, okay, what are the six to eight steps or whatever that you can lay out before them. And if they step on these particular rocks that are actually get them over to the other side, and you basically unpack the whole process, I'm going to give you a simple example.
1 (21m 26s):
So when I first started doing coaching, I was coaching one-on-one. And what I found is that every coaching session, no matter who the person was, I literally walked them through the same exact process. And I literally was getting the same questions over and over and over again. So I looked at it and I said, okay, what's the process I'm walking them through. So, number one, it was helping them with their messaging. Number two is through it's number three. It was this one before it was this number five with this someone 60 was this. So I basically turned that into a framework in the system. So now I can walk everybody through the same exact process. Everybody get the same results. Of course, those who actually implement it, and they can do it over and over and over and over and over again.
0 (22m 3s):
So, Dr. Mark, well, you shared a lot of value moms today. I mean the three plays we can run right now, we talked about turning our knowledge and expertise into $10,000 plus offers. We talked about the SFM method. What's the one takeaway, the one thing that you really want to make sure a Fire Nation gets from our entire conversation today, then give us the best way to connect with you. And then we'll say goodbye.
1 (22m 26s):
So, number one, I would say the biggest thing I want you to take away is the power of simplicity, the power of simplicity. So I have something that I read every morning and it basically states that simplicity is genius. So anytime complexity tries to creep in being okay, why is it, why am I making it? What does this fear that's making this complex and how do I simplify this? So I can actually do it and actually get results and do it over and over again. So that's the biggest thing I want everybody to take away. So the best way to connect with me is two ways. Number one, I have a special gift for everybody. So if you text EOF for Entrepreneurs On Fire, just text E O F 2 8 3 3 5 6 0 0 2 8 3.
1 (23m 11s):
I'm gonna say that again. 8 3 3 5 6 0 0 2 8 3, and just takes EOF. You're going to get a reply. And then you just reply with your Nan. You're going to get another applies, connect your email, and you just apply with that. And we're going to immediately email you what I call the seven figure expert business building bundle. So basically the seven figure expert business building bundle. It comes with a few things. Number one, it comes with the pay that playbook. It shows you how to get 50 to a hundred leads every single day, that convert into clients that puts you in Lee abundance forever. So that's number one. Number two, you want to get a train that shows you how to make a hundred thousand dollars a month or a hundred thousand dollars a year, which are not as an expertise. You're also going to get the enroll more clients guide. So if you want to have a conversation with somebody without being salesy, without being pushy, even if you hate sales and get them to pay you 3000 to $10,000 or more, you're going to get to enroll more clients guy.
1 (24m 0s):
And essentially all you got to do is just kind of follow the process and you can do this over and over again. And I'm going to give you a training on how to get 20 to 30 clients every single month. So all you gotta do is text E O F 8 3 3 5 6 0 0 2 8 3. And if the link doesn't, if that doesn't work or whatever, you can't text, you don't have a phone. Whatever the case may be. You can, you can go to workwithmarquel.com/EOF. So that's workwithmarquel.com/EOF. So workwithmarquel.com/EOF.
1 (24m 41s):
And you'll get everything. Lastly, if you connect with me on Instagram, my Instagram is just my name. M A R Q U E L R U S S E L L. If you come over there and join our community, send me a direct message. Tell me you was on the entrepreneur on fire podcast, and I got another special gift for you just to connect from your Instagram.
0 (24m 57s):
Wow. I mean, Fire Nation value bombs throughout this episode, an unbelievable value at the end here. I mean, this is one of the best packages that I've had since I launched this podcast. So if you're not taking action on this, then, wow, what are you taking action on? Is my question? Probably nothing. So Fire Nation, you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. You've been hanging out with MR. And JLD today. So keep up the heat, head over to EOFire.com type Marquel. That's M A R Q U E L in the search bar in the show notes page will pop right up. And then one more time. Text 8 3 3 5 6 0 0 2 8 3. And when you text E to that number, you're going to get seven figure expert building bundle the a hundred a month per year or a hundred a month, or a hundred K per month revenue system.
0 (25m 45s):
He's got going on. He's going to give you his enroll, more clients guide and so much more. And I mean, it is value bombs, glory, take the other actions with a URL and connecting with him on LinkedIn, Instagram and Marquel. I want to say thank you for sharing your truth, your knowledge, your value with Fire Nation today, for that we salute you and we'll catch you on the flip side. Hey, Fire Nation today's value bomb content was brought to you by Marquel and Fire Nation. Are you ready to rock your very own podcast? We'll check out our free podcasting course, where I will teach you how to create and launch your podcast for free free podcast course.com. That's free podcast course.com and I'll catch you there Or on the flip side.
0 (26m 25s):
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Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!