In this episode I answer questions from YOU, Fire Nation. My goal is to help you take your business and life to the next level. Wondering what your next step should be? Looking for feedback on a project or idea you have? I’m here for you!
Your Big Idea: Successful entrepreneurs have One Big Idea. Follow JLD’s FREE training & you’ll discover Your Big Idea in less than an hour!
Underdog Empowerment – Zach’s website
3 Key Points
1) As an underdog entrepreneur, our greatest asset is the underdog mentality. That’s an advantage for us. We’re hungrier.
2) Regret is one thing you don’t want to live with.
3) Be stubborn in your vision, but be flexible when it comes to doing something new.
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Show Notes
(click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.)
[00:46] – JLD says “What’s Up!” to Zach and asks him to give us a rundown of where he’s at right now
[01:44] – Zach spent half a decade of his life in prison, but has now finally turned his life around and wants to empower underdog entrepreneurs.
[02:11] – Zach started a podcast called Underdog Empowerment.
[02:38] – His biggest struggle is working in the business instead of on it; he’s struggling to outsource.
[03:37] – JLD advised that he needs to have that one-on-one engagement with people that are emailing or messaging you.
[04:46]– The things that are really working for Zach’s business = the authenticity of the stories he shares.
[06:17] – As an underdog entrepreneur, we don’t have all the resources. Most of the top dogs have the connection, networks, money and all that.
- As an underdog entrepreneur, our greatest asset is the underdog mentality. That’s an advantage for us. We’re hungrier. We’re scrappier than the rest of the playing field. And if we use that, and remain open to all the learning experiences that comes our way, we’ll win.
[07:12] – Biggest piece of advice / tactic from Zach: “How am I going to feel if I don’t make this happen?”
[07:40] – Regret is one thing you don’t want to live with.
[08:57] – Zach’s question: If you could go back to the very beginning of your entrepreneurial career and give yourself just one piece of advice – a heads up – what would that be?
[09:19] – JLD would definitely go with the same consistency
[09:40] – What’d I’d do differently: #1 – engage with every single person that reaches out; and #2 – collaborate and co-mingle with more people who have a business podcast
[12:08] – The reality is you shouldn’t be the one coming up with ideas. You engage with your listeners, fans, followers, or audience and then you ask them questions and THEY give you the ideas.
[13:20] – Zach’s parting piece of guidance: Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 26. When you stop doing that and you just focus on what you’ve got going on – just comparing you to yourself yesterday – that inferiority complex will go away.
[13:55] – Zach’s website:
[14:10] – A timeout to thank our sponsor, ZipRecruiter!
[15:20] – JLD welcomes John Briggs and asks him for some details around what he has going on
[15:54] – John has an animation company that is based in England.
[16:20] – John’s question: Should we release an animation podcast on iTunes or just stay on the YouTube platform?
[16:45] – JLD shares his feedback on whether John should go with a podcast vs. YouTube
[18:15] – In starting this podcast idea, John is trying to splice up the medium, take the message to a different level so other people can hear the story and really hear the message.
[19:55] – People try to create content on platforms where it’s not meant to be native – JLD dives into this and why it’s so important to understand
[23:15] – John shares more about his plans for his business.
[25:50] – JLD talks about IG TV and how that might help John with his current goals / business growth
[30:02] – People are slow to react to new markets; there’s an opportunity here for an initial push on this idea.
[31:20] – There are ideas everywhere, but you have to figure out if it makes sense for you. If it does, jump on. If it doesn’t, ignore it.
[32:14] – John’s advised is be stubborn in your vision, but be flexible in doing something new / your goals.
[33:37] – JLD shares a final call to action for Fire Nation: check out JLD’s free course, YOUR BIG IDEA!
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!