From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL’s in these archive episodes are still relevant.
Rosanna Berardi is an immigration lawyer. She is the Managing Partner of Berardi Immigration Law, an immigration law firm, and of High Wire Woman, which provides solutions & systems for working women.
Hire Wire Woman – Sign up for your post-recession blueprint! (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2020 but is no longer an active offer.)
3 Value Bombs
1) You can create systems and solutions to automate the next phase of your business by creating business blueprints.
2) Look at spending as investing to make the next phase of your business stronger.
3) Hope is not a strategy. This is the time to create an actionable strategic plan. Start getting your ideas together for what needs to be addressed and put it into writing.
HubSpot: HubSpot CRM’s powerful tools will help marketers WOW prospects, sales teams lock in deals, and service teams improve response times and overall service. Get started for free at!
Thrivetime Show: Is this your year? Visit to see how Clay Clark’s business coaching has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to dramatically increase profitability!
Show Notes
**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.
Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: Hope is not a Strategy: A Business Blueprint for the New Normal with Rosanna Berardi
[1:30] – Rosanna shares something interesting about herself that most people do not know.
- She knows how to shoot a .357 magnum handgun.
[4:01] – How does your business look today compared to pre- March 1, 2020?
- Rosanna’s immigration law firm business has been riding the wave for the last couple of years.
- When COVID-19 hit, it flipped the switch. She was left with no option but to make some adjustments, and she has let go of some of her employees.
- Her business looks very different today than it did in March.
[6:01] – How did you revise your business model?
- She looked at her Profit and Loss Statement to see what she could cut.
- She budgeted for a 30-40% loss of revenue.
- She had to take emotion out of every decision and start focusing on being lean
[8:34] – How do you plan to weather the upcoming recession?
- After looking at the numbers, she created a blueprint for going forward.
- She looked at different buckets of issues and made adjustments on 5-6 key critical areas.
- Hope is not a strategy. You need to do something, and you need to have a plan.
[10:49] – How are things working out now?
- She is happy to report that they have re-hired some of the employees that were laid off initially.
- The key to their success over the last few months is cost-cutting, being diverse, making efficient processes, and making sure that everybody is working at their highest level.
[13:29] – A timeout to thank our sponsors!
- HubSpot: HubSpot CRM’s powerful tools will help marketers WOW prospects, sales teams lock in deals, and service teams improve response times and overall service. Get started for free at!
- Thrivetime Show: Is this your year? Visit to see how Clay Clark’s business coaching has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to dramatically increase profitability!
[15:57] – How can you create systems and solutions to automate the next phase of your business?
- You can create systems and solutions to automate the next phase of your business by creating business blueprints.
- Rosanna created High Wire Woman – it creates systems and solutions for working women.
- Now is the time to look at what you have done and see how your business can adjust to the current situation.
[19:00] – Rosanna talks about the aspects of the business that may need to be revised for the new normal.
- You need a significant blueprint for how are you going to re-open your business.
- Look at your communications with clients.
- Look at your numbers.
- Make the necessary adjustments.
- Start with a plan and make sure to execute it.
[20:54] – Should you be hiring or firing?
- It depends on your numbers.
- Have a ‘virtual bench’ and identify the people who can help you with your business in the future.
- Know what you need.
[23:47] – Should you spend money on your business right now?
- You should spend money on your business if it will improve your business.
- Look at spending as investing to make the next phase of your business stronger.
- Do not be afraid to spend money at this time.
[26:01] – Rosanna’s parting piece of guidance.
- Hope is not a strategy. This is the time to create an actionable strategic plan. Start getting your ideas together for what needs to be addressed and put it into writing.
- Review every aspect of your business and keep in mind that this is the time to invest in your business.
- Have an actionable plan.
- Hire Wire Woman – Sign up for your post-recession blueprint! (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2020 but is no longer an active offer.)
[29:18] – Thank you to our Sponsor!
- HubSpot: HubSpot CRM’s powerful tools will help marketers WOW prospects, sales teams lock in deals, and service teams improve response times and overall service. Get started for free at!
- Thrivetime Show: Is this your year? Visit to see how Clay Clark’s business coaching has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to dramatically increase profitability!
Killer Resources!
1) The Common Path to Uncommon Success: JLD’s 1st traditionally published book! Over 3000 interviews with the world’s most successful Entrepreneurs compiled into a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment!
2) Free Podcast Course: Learn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!
3) Podcasters’ Paradise: The #1 podcasting community in the world!